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Etui JCPAL dla iPhone 5 - Ultra-thin Case (Clear)
This Decoded leather wrapped Back Cover for iPhone has a slim design. The case is handmade with premium quality full grain leather. The case adds minimal mass and weight to your iPhone. The super thin handcrafted case provides access to all of your iPhone's vital functions while keeping it protected from scratches and dust. Its raised bezel helps to protect your screen. Cards can be stored on the backside of the cover. The Back Cover is the perfect combination of fashion and functionality. The Decoded Back Cover is reversable compatible with iPhone 7 Plus / 6s Plus / 6 Plus. Decoded. Designed to distinguish.
- Material: Full grain aniline leather
- Suitable for: Apple iPhone 6 Plus (5.5") , Apple iPhone 6S Plus (5.5"), Apple iPhone 7 Plus
- Storage option for different cards: 1
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