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TCH-4 is a USB-C 3.1 to USB 3.0 hub with USB-C PD charging port, SD & TF card readers and HDMI output.
The USB 3.0 ports allow you to connect your USB devices or another hub to the host device, the TF & SD card readers allow you to access the external memory from the host device.
The USB-C female port can enable charging for the host device and supplies power for the hub simultaneously and the HDMI port allows you to connect to a HDMI monitor so that you can watch videos or slideshows together on a bigger screen.
This product has been designed to work with the new MacBook, the new MacBook Pro, Google's new Chromebook Pixel and other USB-C ready devices.
Feature highlights:
- Support USB-C PD charging, HDMI output, USB 3.0 connectivity, reading SD/TF memory cards
- Support USB 3.0 super speed (5Gbps) transmission, compatible with USB2.0
- USB 3.0 port support charging and transmitting data for the USB device simultaneously
- Support HDMI video resolution up to 4Kx2K@30Hz
- Support accessing external memory from the host device
- USB-C female port can charge the new MacBook, new MacBook Pro or Google's new Chromebook Pixel and other USB-C supported devices and supplying power for the hub simultaneously
- USB-C female port supplies power up to 60W (20V/3A)
- Multiple USB interfaces support plug and play, hot swap
- Premium anodized Aluminum body finishing
- Easy to use and carry
- Protection pouch included
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