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DECODED Leather 2-in1 Wallet Case iPhone 7 Plus
This Decoded leather 2-in-1 Wallet Case with a removable Back Cover is handmade from premium quality full grain leather. The case easily fastens with a magnetic closure strap. The Decoded 2-in-1 Wallet Case incorporates several wanted functionalities into a complete all-in-one solution. By using magnet pads in the reverse flap the Back Cover is kept firmly in place. This Wallet is the perfect combination of fashion and functionality. The Decoded 2-in-1 Wallet is reversable compatible with iPhone 7 Plus / 6s Plus / 6 Plus. Decoded. Designed to distinguish.
- Material: Full grain aniline leather
- Suitable for: Apple iPhone 6 Plus (5.5") , Apple iPhone 6S Plus (5.5"), Apple iPhone 7 Plus
- Removable back cover: Yes
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